All our News
Light in the dark - modern tumor diagnostics from the research group of Professor Dr. Ulrich Schüller gains acceptance in adult medicine.
The Research Institute for Childhood Cancer Center Hamburg successfully continues exploring the further development of diagnostic procedures.
New approaches to the treatment of Sonic Hedgehog (SHH) medulloblastoma
Medulloblastoma (MB) is the most frequent malignant brain tumour in children with a poor outcome. The genetic causes for the development of MB are not yet entirely clear, so the Schüller research team is particularly interested in its molecular pathogenesis. Now, the team was able to demonstrate that PIK3CA mutations in Sonic Hedgehog (SHH) medulloblastomas […]
LEC-CARs: With the body's own weapons against cancer
Research collaboration targets sugar structures on cancer cells
Young scientists in oncology
Dr. Judith Niesen receives Mildred Scheel funding programm for young scientists in oncology
Hubertus-Wald-Junior Research Award 2019
Research work of Dr. Michael Bockmayr und Catena Kresbach receive oncology award
Research on brain tumors
Findings from Malte Hellwig published in science journal Acta Neuropathologica and awarded with conference fellowship
Dr. Nollau and his team recieves BMBF-fund for innovative Car-T-cell project
lucky winner
Junior Scientist and awardee of the Juli-Harnack-grant Ji Hoon On has won a poster award at the 16th hamburg study conference in the field of innovative medicine and biotechnology
Wir machen die Nacht zum Tag und die Stadt zum Campus
Der Sommer des Wissens anlässlich des hundertjährigen Jubiläums der Universität Hamburg steht vor der Tür.
2019: Juli-Harnack Scholarship for medical postgraduate students in the field of pediatric oncology
Auch 2019 schreibt die Fördergemeinschaft Kinderkrebs-Zentrum Hamburg e.V. gemeinsam mit der Klinik für Pädiatrische Hämatologie und Onkologie (PHO) drei Stipendien (jeweils 800 EURO/Monat) für Medizindoktoranden/innen aus. Angesprochen werden sollen damit forschungsbegeisterte Medizinstudenten/innen, die Interesse an einer Dissertation im Bereich Pädiatrische Krebsforschung haben (1 Jahr /Vollzeit / Start: 1.10.2019). Es geht dabei um aktuelle Themen der Pädiatrischen Hämatologie und Onkologie: Leukämogenese, Signalnetzwerke, Immuntherapie, Hirntumoren, Stammzelltranplantation sowie Entwicklungneurobiologie.
Lineage-specific control of TFIIH by MITF determines transcriptional homeostasis and DNA repair
Professor Dr. Martin Horstmann and his group of researchers published in the current open access journal of Oncogene new findings regarding coordinated regulation of DNA repair and transcription in pigment forming cells with heavy genotoxic exposure.
Excellent young academics in the field of pediatric neurooncology
Young scientists of Professor Ulrich Schüllers research projects were supported and awarded: UCCH Research Fellowship2019 and Fritz-Lampert-Preis