Why donate?
Childhood cancer research. A mission for society
Childhood cancer research is particularly dependent on donations, but funds and public attention for this research are limited. In order to cure all children with the disease, we need your support: Through your donation you help us enable children with cancer to have high quality of life. The Research Institute Children's Cancer Center Hamburg is recognized as a non-profit organization by the German tax office and is entitled to issue tax-effective donation receipts.
Research is our most effective means to combat cancer. Let's put it to use.
Account details
Kinderkrebs-Zentrum Hamburg gGmbH
Account number: 1500947005 (Haspa Hamburg)
BLZ: 20050550
IBAN: DE37 2005 0550 1500 9470 05
How donations are used
Donation options
The Research Institute Children's Cancer Center Hamburg is committed to providing framework conditions that make cutting-edge research possible: We must continue to recruit highly talented scientists, invest in future technologies and enable freedom of research in order to cure all children with cancer in the future – without side effects and long-term adverse consequences.
Whether you wish to make a one-time donation, donate on a regular basis, or take over a sponsorship: Help us overcome childhood cancer!
Donate onlineWhether you wish to make a one-time donation, donate on a regular basis, or take over a sponsorship: Help us overcome childhood cancer!
Wie spenden?
Einfach und direkt unterstützen durch Ihre Spende
Sie möchten jetzt gleich auf sicherem Weg über das Internet spenden? Die Bank für Sozialwirtschaft gewährleistet in jedem Fall einen hohen Sicherheitsstandard für Ihre Online-Spende. Unterstützen Sie die Kinderkrebsforschung durch eine Spende an die Fördergemeinschaft mit dem Verwendungszweck 'Forschungsinstitut'.
Zur Online-SpendeDonate online
Would you like to donate securely online? The Bank für Sozialwirtschaft guarantees a highly secure standard for your online donation. Support childhood cancer research by making a donation to the funding association Fördergemeinschaft with the intended purpose 'Research Institute'.
We are looking forward to talking to you!
You have questions or suggestions?
You would like to support the commitment of our scientists and sponsors by making a donation?
We are happy to be there for you and your concerns in person:
Phone: 040 42605-1210
Email: buero@kinderkrebs-forschung.de
Patient´s story
The daughter of TV doctor Dr. Johannes Wimmer died of a rare brain tumor in 2020. A report on the experiences of the Wimmer family, which has stood firmly by the side of the Children’s Cancer Center Charity Association since that time.