Please apply now! Juli-Harnack-grant 2023
In 2023, the Fördergemeinschaft Kinderkrebs-Zentrum Hamburg e.V., together with the Clinic for Pediatric Hematology and Oncology (PHO), will continue to offer four grants (1000 EUR / month each) for medical students, who are interested in a dissertation in the field of pediatric cancer research (1 year / full-time / start: October 1, 2023). Current topics in pediatric hematology and oncology are: leukaemia, non Hodgkin lymphoma, immunotherapy, brain tumors, stem cell transplantation, coagulation, late effects
Procedures and deadline
If you are interested, please send your application with CV, letter of motivation, certificates (iMed certificate / physics / Abitur) as a single PDF file by May 31. 2023 to Astrid Evert (buero@kinderkrebs-forschung.de, Tel: 040 / 42605- 1210).
Selection committee: Prof. M. Horstmann, Prof. I. Müller, Prof. S. Rutkowski, Prof. U. Schüller.
Translational support of young scientists
Support of young medical scientists is central focus of our research institute. The institute is integrated into an excellent research network through cooperation agreements with the Hamburg University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf (UKE) and with the Leibniz Institute for Virology (LIV).
Our approach: Support experimental research and training of young scientists in the field of pediatric oncology.