
Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma

Clinical and translational research on malignant lymphoma

Wößmann Research Group

Prof Wilhelm Wößmann's research focuses on childhood non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (NHL), particularly ana-plastic large cell lymphoma (ALCL). The team investigates resistance mechanisms of ALCL and the immune response of patients against ALCL in order to create the basis for developing immunotherapeutic ap-proaches. They conduct and take part in international clinical studies for children and adolescents with ALCL. Furthermore, the group works on the clinical significance of minimal residual disease in NHL.

Brief Biography

Wilhelm Wößmann studied human medicine at the universities of Giessen, Lübeck, and Bergen. After completing his doctorate at the Medical University of Lübeck, he was trained as a pediatrician in Lübeck and Giessen. His paused his training for a research stay at the Medical College of Georgia in Augusta, USA. He trained as a pediatric oncologist in the Department of Paediatric Oncology and Haematology at Giessen University Hospital. He worked there as a senior physician from 2003 and as deputy head of department from 2010. In the early 2000s, he began his clinical and translational research on optimizing the treatment of childhood Non-Hodgkin's lymphomas (NHL) as part of the NHL-BFM study group led by Prof. Reiter. After completing his post-doctoral lecture qualification (habilitation) at Justus Liebig University, he continued researching the topic alongside his clinical work. Since 2011, he chairs the NHL-BFM study group together with Prof Dr Dr Burkhardt (Münster). In 2018, he was appointed Professor of Paediatric Haematology and Oncology at the University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, together with the deputy head position and senior physician in the Department of Paediatric Haematology and Oncology at the UKE. His clinical and laboratory research on NHL focuses on anaplastic large cell lymphoma and minimally disseminated and minimal residual disease in NHL.

Third-party funds

Deutsche Kinderkrebsstiftung

Deutsche José Carreras Leukämie-Stiftung e.V.

Netzwerk Universitätsmedizin


EU funding as part of the MSC PhD programme ("Fantom" project)

Gesellschaft für KinderKrebsForschung e.V.

Hamburger Stiftung zur Förderung der Krebsforschung

Selected publications

[1] Stadler S, Blasco RB, Singh VK, Damm-Welk C, Ben-Hamza A, Welters C, Hansmann L, Chiarle R*, Woessmann W*. Endogenous CD4 T cells that recognize ALK and the NPM1::ALK fusion protein can be expanded from human peripheral blood. Cancer Immunol Res, in press, 2025.

[2] Luedersen J, Stadt UZ, Richter J, Oschlies I, Klapper W, Rosenwald A, Kalinova M, Simonitsch-Klupp I, Siebert R, Zimmermann M, Qi M, Nakel J, Scheinemann K, Knörr F, Attarbaschi A, Kabickova E, Woessmann W*, Damm-Welk C*. Variant ALK-fusion positive anaplastic large cell lymphoma (ALCL): A population-based paediatric study of the NHL-BFM study group. Br J Haematol. 204(5): 1894-1898, 2024.

[3] Möker P, Zur Stadt U, Zimmermann M, Alawi M, Mueller S, Finger J, Knörr F, Riquelme A, Oschlies I, Klapper W, Bradtke J, Burkhardt B, Woessmann W, Damm-Welk C. Characterization of IG-MYC-breakpoints and their application for quantitative minimal disease monitoring in high-risk pediatric Burkitt-lymphoma and -leukemia. Leukemia 36: 2343-2346, 2022.

[4]  Knörr F, Brugières L, Pillon M, Zimmermann M, Ruf S, Attarbaschi A, Mellgren K, Burke GAA, Uyttebroeck A, Wróbel G, Beishuizen A, Aladjidi N, Reiter A, Woessmann W. Stem Cell Transplantation and Vinblastine Monotherapy for Relapsed Pediatric Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma: Results of the International, Prospective ALCL-Relapse Trial. J Clin Oncol 38(34): 3999-4009, 2020.

[5] Woessmann W, Zimmermann M, Meinhardt A, Mueller S, Hauch H, Knörr F, Oschlies I, Klapper W, Niggli F, Kabickova E, Attarbaschi A, Reiter A, Burkhardt B. Progressive or Relapsed Burkitt Lymphoma or Leukemia in Children and Adolescents after BFM-type First-line Therapy. Blood. 135(14):1124-1132, 2020.

[6] Damm-Welk C, Kutscher N, Zimmermann M, Attarbaschi A, Schieferstein J, Knörr F, Oschlies I, Klapper W, Woessmann W. Quantification of minimal disseminated disease by quantitative PCR and digital PCR for NPM-ALK as prognostic factor in children with anaplastic large cell lymphoma. Haematologica 105(8):2141-2149, 2020.

(*shared last authorship)

Team members

Maryam Abbasi

Technical assistant

Dr. rer. nat. Christine Damm-Welk

Diplom-Biologin, Postdoktorantin

Lukas Duscher

Technical assistant

Dr. rer. nat. Jan Förster


Dr. med. Fabian Knörr


Louisa Kruppa

Doctoral student (cand. med.)

Malte Nipper

Doctoral student (cand. med.)

Will Shepheard

Doctoral student (Biology)

Dr. med. Jana Werner

Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Wößmann

Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Wößmann

Research Group Leader
Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Wößmann
"We are trying to understand resistance mechanisms in anaplastic large cell lymphomas to develop an individualized, effective therapy: Why are some children cured by chemotherapy that does not work at all in other children? Among other things, we look closely at the children's immune response to anaplastic large cell lymphoma."
Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Wößmann

Patients´ Story

The daughter of TV doctor Dr. Johannes Wimmer died of a rare brain tumor in 2020. A report on the experiences of the Wimmer family, which has stood firmly by the side of the Children’s Cancer Center Charity Association since that time.